Posted in Food

Fruits and Vegetables of Ecuador

Fruits and vegetables…

One day we found ourselves at the pharmacy inquiring about vitamins. Back in the States, we were use to supplementing our diet with vitamins. Running out of Vitamin B, we found ourselves in search of some B complex. Interestingly, the pharmacist said, “Eat more fruits and vegetables.” So, began our quest of exploring the markets looking for ‘unique’ fruits and vegetables of Ecuador. Here are some of the ones we have tried so far…

Fruits of Ecuador

Fruits of Ecuador @ ecuadordream.comOne of the first that we tried was the Cidra, also known as chayote. This fruit is similar to the summer squash we were use to in the States. High in antioxidants, Vitamin C and Vitamin B. Low in calories and rich in fiber.  We really liked this new fruit.

Fruits of Ecuador @ ecuadordream.comChirimoya is a very sweet fruit. It looks like an artichoke on the outside. You eat the soft white pulp. Seeds and skin are inedible. It is recommended to scoop it with a spoon and eat it right out of your hand. Some like to add a little lime juice to enhance the flavor. A good source of Vitamin C and Vitamin B complex. Due to its sweetness, I could only eat a little bit. Kurt really liked it!

Granadilla, or also known as passionfruit, is a fruit that I could really like if I could get pastFruits of Ecuador @ the texture! It is orangey-red in color, and you eat the seeds and the gel-like substance. This fruit is available year round. Helps control high blood pressure and cholesterol. We made a smoothie out of our fruit, and it was delicious!

Fruits of Ecuador @ ecuadordream.comBabaco, related to the papaya, is seedless, and the whole fruit can be eaten. The flesh is very juicy and low in sugar. An excellent source of Vitamin A and C. A ripe babaco will be yellow all over, something you have to watch for at the markets. A vendor may try to sell you a green one, but if you tell them you want a yellow one, then they know that you are not a gringo to be taken advantage of. 🙂

I know this next one is a vegetable and is very common in the States…the sweet potato, or fruits and Vegetables of Ecuador @ ecuadordream.comcamote. But have you ever seen a purple sweet potato? These are denser and drier than their orange ‘cousins’. I made mashed potatoes out of our camote and added butter and brown sugar to give them the sweetness we were used to.  Mmmmm….

We are looking forward to trying new and different fruits/vegetables in the future. What I think is funny is that even the ‘old’ fruits/vegetables taste better in Ecuador. Could it be the freshness and their organic nature that makes everything taste better?

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Kurt and I have been living in Atuntaqui, EC since October 11, 2016 as needgreaters. We hope to share our experience, and encourage anyone who is thinking about moving to go ahead and take the plunge...

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